Late Night Thoughts

September 2, 2010

I feel confused/betrayed right now. About an hour ago, wordpress told me I had 102 visits to my blog. Now it says 68. But I know this cannot be true!! I counted the Blog Stat numbers, dammit. It’s totally 102, at least.

The Husband is playing Call of Duty very loudly. And I don’t mean that the television is loud, he’s just loud in general, so add some friends online and action packed moments, and it’s the perfect combo for the neighbors to call the cops on us. None of this helps the fact that I have a sore throat, feel constantly dehydrated, hurt my upper lip, and have an on and off headache. But I love him and I’m too lazy to blog on my laptop, which would involving unpacked it from my school bag and plugging it in.

He’s also convinced that a secret Call of Duty Black Ops beta will be available at midnight, but I don’t have the heart to tell him that if anything like that becomes available, it will most likely be that people can now REGISTER to be in the beta that probably won’t be out for another few weeks.

I feel like this post is all text, so here’s a picture of me and my husband! YAY!!!

Well there’s that.

I went to the new Office Depot that opened recently! I love Office supplies stores. I have always had this fascination with paper – the feel, the smell, the colors. While I was there, I bought a notebook made from recycled materials (so now I can feel like a better person that some) and a small green pencil pouch. There’s nothing in my pencil/pen pouch yet, but I like the idea of it.

Speaking of Colors

So I got a green pencil pouch even though my first instinct was to grab the red one in front of it and then when I hesitated, to grab the blue one behind it. Since I was little, I always chose blue for everything. It is my favorite color. But everyone gets sick of the same colors being used all over the place and I certainly couldn’t have everything I own be blue. So I realized that I have recently hung on to the color red for some reason or another. All of my kitchen appliances are red. Most people probably think that my favorite color is red. I don’t like this misconception, I just like a little variety.

That’s why buying a green pencil pouch, and showing myself in a green dress on the header of this blog was important to me. I’m determined to go on a slight green things kick for a bit.

New Interest

Oh and one last thing! I have discovered a new favorite person! Her name is Dani Jones. She is a children’s book illustrator. I love her style and aspire to her awesomeness. Her link is in the side bar. 😀

New Ambitions?!

September 1, 2010

I’ve been really embracing this blog and my deviantart work as well. I’ve sort of re-tapped into the more artistic side of myself recently and find that it makes me the happiest of all happiness in the world. I’m going to be starting up an Illustration Portfolio soon, once I gather up some more work. But I just wanted to share this little thing I did today that I’m fairly proud of. So enjoy, my flying penguin!

I’d love any critique anyone has to offer me! I love you all!!


Demon Book!

September 1, 2010

Annie and I were 12 years old when we discovered the X-Files. I slept over at her house one night and we decided to look through my new X-Files book I had recently purchased.

It was a book full of “real” X-Files. Cases of actual recorded aliens, combustible people, ghosts, and more. We were having fun trying to make up our minds on whether we thought something was real or not.

We turned the page to a story about a photograph taken a long time ago of a couple sitting in a car and a ghostly apparition seen in the photo with them. I glanced at the photo for a long time and didn’t see anything. I thought maybe it was going to be some obscure spot, kind of like those Virgin Marys on a piece of toast or something.

Suddenly, Annie shrieked, slammed the book shut and pushed it across the floor. I asked her what was wrong and she looked at me like I crazy, “DIDN’T YOU SEE THAT?!” I shook my head, completely confused.

She grabbed the book and told me to open it back to the page we were just on and look at the photograph. I found the page and stared at the picture.

And I stared harder.

And stared a little harder.

And after about 3 full minutes of staring, Annie spoke the words I will NEVER forget: “Look in the back seat.”

As soon as I focused my attention to that area, I saw the most vivid ghostly man I had EVER seen in my entire life. What was worse is that the couple was smiling completely unaware in the front seat and he was in the back staring out at the viewer. I calmly closed the book.

As evening and weariness approached we knew we had to protect ourselves. Annie locked the book up in the closet, I got ready for bed.

We laid down in the bed, all quiet and in the dark, eventually falling asleep. We awoke the next more and have carried on with our lives with the utmost sanity and clarity.

New House Maybe?

August 31, 2010

The husband and I have probably found our first house today. We found a bunch online and then drove by the neighborhoods and all today. We’ve made an appointment to see this one PERFECT house that we both loooove! Its closer to the top of our price range, but I just can’t see us living anywhere else right now.

Anyway, just thought I’d let you guys know that we’re looking for our first house. We live in an apartment right now. The next illustrated post will be up either late tonight or tomorrow, depending on the amount of editing to the story I have left to do.

I love you guys for reading this and hope you all spread the link around!

Baked Potato from HELL

August 31, 2010

I was 14 years old and home alone. I don’t remember where my mom and sisters were at this time, but I was happily playing the Sims on the computer in the front room. I got very hungry and craved a baked potato. I could remember my mom making those in the microwave. So I stabbed a raw potato a few times with a fork and popped it into the microwave.

I set the timer on whatever time I remembered my mom doing it and then frolicked back to the computer. I spent the next few minutes building a mansion with the most detailed gardens and pathways and most interesting floor plan ever.

Suddenly the smoke alarm went off in the house. Now, we had had some issues with our house alarm going off several times a day due to some faulty wiring somewhere. So this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. I got up and turned the alarm off and headed toward the kitchen to see how my potato was doing. As I entered the kitchen I saw that it was filled with smoke. Ignoring everything I learned in elementary school, I walked into the smoke-filled kitchen toward the microwave to see if this was an issue I could easily handle myself.

As I got closer, I could see the smoke billowing quickly from the microwave and the light of fire dancing through the haze. I looked into the microwave and saw hell. No, really, it was a blazing inferno and as I stood there thinking of what I should do, Satan himself mocked my fire.

Calmly, I picked up our two dogs and left the house…..ahem.

I proceeded to run from house to house and with my awesome luck, no one was home at the first 6 houses I tried. Finally, about half way down the block, a nurse answered the door. I was like, “Ummm can you call 911, my house is on fire!”. She ran and got the cordless house phone as I stood outside, shaking, with a small dog under each arm and glancing at my house waiting for a cinema worthy explosion.

When she re-appeared she was on the phone and asked for my house address and info. I was shaking and started to say, “Well, its in the microwave….but…the smoke…and there was a lot of fire…its all in the kitchen…” with a shaky voice and starting to feel stupid about the whole situation.

About 3 minutes later, THREE fire trucks showed up. I immediately felt like the biggest douche bag in the world. My dogs wagged their tails excitedly about the bright lights and activity (they were lucky if any one took them on a walk once a week). I walked back towards my house to meet the firemen. They all barged into my house. I stood in the driveway nervously looking like a haggard mess or at least like a crazy dog lady.

Within a few minutes the firemen had left the house and put a large fan at the front door to get all the remaining smoke out. A fireman approached me with a pad of paper. He asked for my name and other information that to this day I hope I answered right because I honestly cannot remember what he was saying. He smiled and said, “Well, your baked potato’s done!” I hung my head in absolute embarassment.

He gave me a paper and told me to give it to my mom. They left and went back inside. I looked in the garbage can at my not charred potato. I wanted to cry, but I was still hungry. I think I ate some crackers or something. The only damage appeared to be just some black soot in the microwave. As the whole situation sunk in, I started to get anxious abut my mom getting home. She was going to be soooo mad!

I was right. She came home with my sisters and they all walked in. My mom immediately was like, “What’s that burning smell?” and I started to cry hysterically as I handed her the paper the fireman had given me. I was trying to explain what happened between sobs. She got pretty mad about the whole thing and the danger I was in. But soon got over it and helped me get back to a normal microwaving life.

To this day, I don’t like microwaving alone.

AIM is for Creepers

August 30, 2010

One day I was really bored at home. I sat at my computer and googled everything one could possibly google. I YouTubed every YouTube one could possibly YouTube. I even watched one of those quiet, but then a scary ghost face pops up screaming videos just for fun. When I didn’t have a reaction to that last one, I knew it was time for some social interaction.

After staring at my Contacts list on the phone for about 20 minutes, I knew that my social interactivity would have to be had on the internet. That’s when I remembered AIM. An instant messenger service that I had almost forgotten I had. I knew that there had to be someone on there to talk to!

I logged on and waited. I scrolled through my much shorter buddy list than I remember. Most of the people on it were away and had been for a year or two. But the internet tends to be pretty active, so I figured that waiting for a few minutes would bring me much sought after results.

After waiting for what seemed like eternity, though the clock said 2 minutes, I was about to log off and go do something more productive. Perhaps I would practice the violin that I wanted to reteach myself or maybe I’d read a book or god forbid, go outside. But then, that familiar sound of receiving an IM occurred! I didn’t recognize the screen name, but I thought I’d follow this rabbit hole and see what would become of it. So I said hey in response to their “hello”.

Then I received this message in return: “I like your pants…”

Somehow my hand ran across the keys and I hit send, just before closing the thing. I thought that after not being on AIM for at least a year would mean that more cool people would be interested in talking to me and catching up on old times. Little did I realize that the only person that had anything to say to me, turned out to be an ex-boyfriend from about 4 years ago.

After signing out of AIM, I opened up my internet browser and googled one last thing before deciding to take a shower and hoping that the soap would reach my brain to scrub away the weirdness of that encounter. I googled, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”.